Sunday, February 13, 2011

Marma Massage

  Marma Massage  
The word Marma comes from Sanskrit origin 'mru' or 'marr' ."Marayate Iti Marmani", the Sanskrit phrase means there is likelihood of death after infliction to these places hence are are called Marma .The word Marma used with meanings as tender, secrete or vital places.

There are certain anatomical locations in the body which are vital, and serve as small pockets of Prana, thus any injury to these parts can be painful and cripple the local functions or even lead to sudden death of the individual. They are junctions of different channels of Prana movements in the body.

Prana is a vital energy ,Prana pervades each and every corner of the body, it nourishes ,guides and controls the functioning of the cell and systems. when these MARMA (junctions) are affected or ruptured ,the organs linked with Prana channels become starved with lack of Prana and some organ becomes diseased ,crippled or paralyzed or depending upon the quantum is of Prana being lost ,it may lead to slow or sudden death.

Vagbthata (In the text Ashtanga hridaya sharira 4th chapter sloka ) defines Marma is the meeting point of mamsa ,asthi,sira ,snayu,dhamani, and sandhi, and 'where the Prana is present'. This is similar with Chinese meridian concept in which the points appear either on signal meridian line or at meeting points of different meridian.

The knowledge of MARMA has got wide implication in the many fields of medical practice, but as today its traditional practices are limited and scattered in India

The knowledge of mama can be classified in following fields -In Martial art and welfare, in surgical importance, medical importance -in the management of disease and in the diagnosis of illness

There are total 107 Marma in the body. In Tamilian traditions they are 108 Marma points. and in kalari tradition hey are 365 Marma points.

They are classified for better understanding according to the physical components like - 1)Mansa Marma (muscle), 2)sira Marma- ( vessels conveying body fluids and impulses), 3)sanyu (tendons), 4)asthi (bones) and 5)sandhi (articulate points specially bone joints).

The Marma are also grouped on the basis of there similarities in the features particularly on the basis of vulnerability_

a) Sadhya Pranhara Marma - Sadhya means sudden or immediate. there are the Marma which are vulnerable for the loss of life immediately after injury or insult.

b) Kalantara Pranhara - Kalantara means after the lapse of some time, Pranhara means loss of life. After an insults to these Marma loss of life results gradually after some time.

c) Vishalyaghana - This category of Marma is named on its surgical importance. Vishalya means being the foreign body removed. Vishalyaghana indicated death being the foreign body removed. when injured the person survives as long the foreign body remains in place.

d) Vaikalyakara - Vilkala means deform or cripple. vaikalyakara means one which deforms or cripples.

Treatment or the care of Marma- To defy from the dangers to Marma , to follow the hygienic measures everyday and to treat the affliction are the means to care Marma- Charaka Samhita

Preventative aspect- Marma are very sensitive places a small injury or insult is always a possibility. Desirous of health one must avoid physical and mental over exertions. the in depletion of tissue metabolic substances ,with holding of natural impulses ,excessive consuming dry articles, excessive physical exertion and fasting ,these factors can disturb pranvaha srotas ( channels through Prana is flowing) and makes more vulnerability to disease.

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